How to monitor BizPulse and BizStore periodically?

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Adapter execution for removed PI throws exception …

Disclaimer. The origins of the information on this site may be internal or external to Progress Software Corporation ("Progress"). Progress Software Corporation makes all reasonable efforts to verify this information.

java.rmi.ConnectIOException: error during JRMP connection establishment

at com.savvion.sbm.util.SBMHomeFactory.lookupHome (Unknown Source) at SBMClient.main ( Caused by: javax.namingmunicationException …

Error while completing the task: "can not be assigned in …

To avoid the above error, developer may use the reAssign (java.lang.String performer) method of com.savvion.sbm.bizlogic.server.svo.WorkItem class. If the task is in the Available state, then Developer may use the assign () method. Workaround All the task jsp do have a call for destroying the bean on unload of page always, as below:

Queue connection factory is not bounded.

HI, recently we migrated websphare to jboss 5.1 webserver, so before migration our mail functionality was working, now in jboss we are facing some problem regarding bounding queue connection factory. My queue connection factory name is RMFQueueConnectionFactory. so where we should configure the factory name?or which …

SQL exception(Table/View/Synonym already exists) filling up …

Product: Savvion Version: 7.6.x OS: Any Application Server: Any Database: OpenEdge Browser: Any Question/Problem Description SQL exception thrown on the EJB and bizstore.log at regular interval. java.sql.SQLException: [DataDirect][OpenEdge JDBC Driver][OpenEdge] Table/View/Synonym already exists Steps to Reproduce Clarifying …

Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)

EJB is a server-side software element that summarizes business logic of an application. Enterprise Java Beans web repository yields a runtime domain for web related software elements including computer reliability, Java Servlet Lifecycle (JSL) management, transaction procedure and other web services.

How to make a workitem available to the additional …

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How to use Savvion Business Manager(SBM) published …

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Getting error while fetching documents from global …

One of your applications is fetching documents from global document DS in start post script using BLClientUtil.getGlobalDocumentDS. This application was working fine in …

_Stub: no delegate set problem in WebSphere 5.1

com.savvion.sbm.bizlogic.server.ejb._BLServerHome_Stub: no delegate set The statement "no delegate set" comes in the end. This gives me the suspision that the HomeInterface which we get from the AppServer itself is not a valid one. Regards and Thanks, Suttan satish gopalakrishnan Greenhorn Posts: 6 posted 18 years ago Hi,

How to refresh BizLogic server API calls which are …

1. If java client programs using BizLogic Server APIs have to run as daemons and ejbServer is restarted, will fail to get connection to BizLogic Server 2. To …

[aspectj-dev] Using aspectj configuration file (aop.xml)

Hi, I want to achieve following testcase: Include server package & subpackages; exclude svo subpackage but include SVOFactory class in svo package for loadtime weaving. Part of my aop.xml file is as below. Programs-->Savvion>SBM-->Start Server-->EJB Server Start-->Programs-->Savvion>SBM-->Start Server-->Portal Server For EJB Server and Portal Server shortcuts, I am able to specify the respective icon files.

Error " javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying …

This article discusses a particular "javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to lookup 'ejb.savvion.sbm.bizlogic.server.ejb.BLServerHome' didn't find subcontext …

_Stub: no delegate set problem in WebSphere 5.1

com.savvion.sbm.bizlogic.server.ejb._BLServerHome_Stub: no delegate set The statement "no delegate set" comes in the end. This gives me the suspision that the …

While starting EJB servers, below exception is thrown in …

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WorkStepInstance and WorkItem API execution is failing …

Overview You are using the below APIs in the Adapter workstep to get and complete the workitem: com.savvion.sbm.bizlogic.server.svo.WorkStepInstance com.savvion.sbm.bizlogic.server.svo.WorkItem H...

Error " javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to lookup 'ejb

This article discusses a particular "javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to lookup 'ejb.savvion.sbm.bizlogic.server.ejb.BLServerHome' didn't find subcontext 'ejb'. Resolved '" occurs while starting up the bizlogic servers in a Savvion cluster.

Exception "Either the workitem with id "146,438" could not …

Logout and login to BPM Portal once, to complete the task if it is still available. If this is not a desirable option, increase the value of following property in bizlogic.conf file under SBM_HOMEconf directory and re-start the servers. bizlogic.session.timeout Workaround Notes

EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION exception on Termination of EJB server …

Product: Savvion Version: 7.6.x OS: Windows XP Application Server: Weblogic Question/Problem Description EJB server shuts down randomly and terminates and throws below mentioned exception Steps to Reproduce Clarifying Information Error Message An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM.

" Compiler failed executable.exec" while …

Product: Savvion Version: 6.5.2 OS: Windows XP Application Server: BEA 8.1 SP6 Database: Oracle 10g Browser: NA Question/Problem Description Unable to start Weblogic Server

Problem occuring on Analytic Engine while executing …

I have defined a rule and specified a web service as action. Rule is violated and instance is created but web service is not get created. Following exception occurs m.dante.analysis.action.template.context.ActionContextImpl@11b6341 OPTIMIZE) [Analytic Engine v7.1.0.0.dante.analysis.action.WebServiceAction. sActionInvokeAction] 2007 …

Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: …

When servers are started, the sequence, location of class/jar will appear on the console / SystemOut.log for WebSphere AppServer, etc from which the jars and class …

Forum Post: RE: Problem with BPM Events scheduled: Create …

Status Not open for further replies. L. lpadmaja Guest

Transaction related problem while using multiple resource

Transaction related problem while using multiple resource in WebSphere. In the same EJB transaction, it is required to modify entity beans and also need to publish JMS messages. …